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Monday, October 22, 2012


A great BIG Thank You is in order!
Everyone who came out this past 
weekend...seriously we could not have 
done this without all of you wonderful people, so 
Thank You...from the bottom of our hearts 
we really do appreciate everyone coming out 
{despite the rain..and the mud, and the cold..} 

Our Vendors were the best! Thank You 
for making everything look so pretty and for 
putting effort and creativity into your displays
{we SO appreciate you doing this!}
We LOVE that you took the time to display all of your 
goods, and made our Flea Market a beautiful place to be. 

 Thank You to our Customers! WE LOVE YOU! 
You spread the word, You came, You shopped...
You made our day. 

Finally...Thank You to Carrie Anne Photography
for taking these gorgeous photos! 
You do such beautiful work! :) 

For more Flea Market Photos check 
out our Facebook page 

Thanks again!

Lynn & Kathi 


  1. Pretty pictures, looks like an amazing time! :) Happy Monday, xo Holly

  2. Everything looks so beautiful!! Have a great week! xo Heather


We are so glad you stopped by!