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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Ready or Not?

Tell me...what do you think? 
Is it too early to start setting out 
Christmas  Decor? 

Is it too early to go to 
Christmas Home & Art 
Tours like Beneath The Tree

If you're ready or not...the 
Christmas Shows and craft shows 
have begun...the Christmas 
shoppers are already out and about 
filling their shopping bags with 
all sorts of treasures to take home 
and wrap up. 

If you are looking for some unique 
decorating and gift ideas...

NOVEMBER 9 & 10 

We will be decorating a home on 
the tour...

There are 12 homes total
on the tour, and each home is decorated 
by a different gift shop or local designer, 
plus each home is filled with handmade
  gifts and art made by local artists.
You will find LOTS 
of great ideas! 

Slightly on a different
note...we do have a few 
small Christmas things out 
on display, so if you need a little 
taste..but not too much stop by for 
a visit...

Stay warm everyone! 
We are thinking and praying for
you all on the East coast. 

Stay safe! 

Lynn & Kathi 

1 comment:

  1. Cute decorations, I'm so excited to (soon) start getting decorations out :) Have a lovely day! xo HOlly


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