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Monday, October 1, 2012

How Pinteresting

Hello friends! 
The most gorgeous eye 
candy you can find on the 
Internet these days seems 
to be on Pinterest 

If you haven't heard about 
what all the craze is about 
then I guess I'm here to 
share with you and 
brighten up your 
Monday for you...

First of all...I am in 
love with all of this Jadeite! 
Please come and live on my shelves

{photo Via Nest Pretty Things}

{these photos are from The Yvestown Blog
LOVE her house..and what a great way 
to use an old fireplace..brilliant

{photo via Silje-sin Blog}

For more yummy eye candy you 
can follow us on PINTEREST 
stop by and check out our Pin boards
We'll see you there! 

Lynn & Kathi 


  1. Oh I love pinning but I find I can spend way too much time over I have to be soooo careful! Hugs to you for a great weekend....xoxoxo


We are so glad you stopped by!