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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Robin Egg Blue ~ LOVE

What do you think 
of this color? 

The other day I spent 
painting with my favorite color...
I'm surprised everything didn't end up 
painted this color, I had to restrain 
myself from running my brush 
over top of every surface I came 
in contact with...

It is lovely though, 
don't you think? 

We have LOTS of painted 
Vintage furniture in our 
little shop right now...stop by 
soon to check it all out! 

We will also be having our
OCTOBER 19 & 20 
we have such great 
vendors signed up for our 
Fall Flea! Mark your 
Calendar you won't 
want to miss it! 

Lynn & Kathi 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I do love that color and that bed!! Hope you have a great day! xo Holly


We are so glad you stopped by!