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Thursday, September 20, 2012

It's PUMPKIN time!

More Pumpkins 
arrived the other day!

I am in love with 
these Red and white ones,
I did a little "happy dance" 
when I saw this truck load 
of them roll up to the shop.

I thought THIS deserved a picture...

How do you decorate with pumpkins? 
Have you ever tried to 
stack them?  

What a perfect way to 
decorate for Fall...AND 
you don't have to water a thing!

Who doesn't love an easy decorating 
project that looks this cute? 

Lynn &  Kathi 


  1. Happy dance for pumpkins!! Those look great, I'm going to get some early next week if I don't find time this weekend! :) Can't wait! Have a great day! xo Holly

  2. Oh I love all the different pumpkins out there...yesterday I bought a pink one...for breast cancer...I am off to the pumpkin patch today to get more!!! Love to you and enjoy this time of year my friend. xoxoxo


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