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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

~ It's snowing! ~

I woke up this morning

to snowflakes falling.

There is nothing quite

like a fresh blanket of  snow,

all fluffy, white, and pretty...

I thought what a perfect thing to

share for White Wednesday! 

Be sure to check out

for more White inspiration!

And its still falling,

this is making me want to go

act like a kid again,

and play in the snow! :)

Have a good day



  1. beautiful pics! love the evergreen wreathed in snow. woke up to the same first 'real' snowfall today, too.

    so ready for it.


  2. There was snow on the ground this morning-but didn't last long-I'm not ready for too much of it-but it sure makes everything pretty!


We are so glad you stopped by!